Nordic Integration Summit
I attended the Nordic Integration Summit #NIS24 along with my colleagues to learn more about integration patterns that other companies implement and what we can expect of the future in the field of integrations.
The conference was arranged for the very first time and it really had some fantastic speakers. It ranged everywhere from sessions regarding:
- Infrastructure-as-code (Bicep session by bjompen)
- Monitoring using Open Telemetry - Using Open Telemtry to monitor at different layers of your architecture.
- Azure Architecture: Choosing wisely - Different architectures and designs, how to optimize performance and what does different choices result in.
- Building Sustainable Integration Solutions with Azure Integration Services - How to optimize your services while reducing your carbon footprint.
just to mention a few! If you ever have the chance, you should really check these out.
On the second day, we were really looking forward to a session being held by Stefan Ivemo deep-diving into private networking using private endpoints - what to think about, how to optimize design and what to expect from a large organisation - networkwise. However, Stefan could not attend and his time slot was left open. I reached out to the organisers of NIS24 and asked if I could present what me and my team has been working on - Subscription vending.
It was approved about 2 and a half hours before the session was to be held, and I rushed to write a PowerPoint presentation along with preparing a demo. Luckily I was able to put everything together and I was ready to enter the stage to have my first public session.
Västerås Azure User Group
It was so much fun, I also had to present the same session at the Västerås Azure user group!